
Website Diary

I decided on this template for my website as i feel it fits my genre and can be easily adjusted to fit my images. First Changes My first changes were add in my own masthead at the top of the page and to replace existing images with my own in a rough format that i will likely change and make neater, i also added a decent amount of text throughout the page, including an about us section and area at the bottom with a placeholder video ready for when i record my interview video.  I completely removed everything from the artist page and replaced it with a store page, this will be my link page and currently has placeholder images of magazine covers that i will replace with my own when im happy with them along with text at the bottom of the page expressing my producers company values. Animations  I have added fade in and out animation to all of my images and some of my text on the home and link page, this will make the website feel more interactive and interesting to navigate and will functio

Coursework Audit

 LO: To review and reflect on work completed and plan final tasks. Monday 9th September 2024 Targets 16th September- Select and edit all wanted images from both photoshoots for magazine and website 23rd September- Finish Both covers and contents pages (insert edited images and tweak) 30th September- Finish home page of website (include text and images and adjust layout and elements) 7th October- Finish Link pages (elements, text and images) 17th October- Touch up and adjust everything, apply finishing touches, ensure everything is correct and abides by statement of intent

Magazine Cover/Contents Diary

  These are my very first designs for my magazine logo/masthead, ive taken inspiration from the Metal Hammer magazine and experimented with the positioning and look of the word "mayhem" while inside the word "Metal", i will further develop this design and attempt to give it more texture to make it look more unique and original. I may also experiment with contrasting colours such as outlining the word "Mayhem" with a much brighter colour such as yellow, red, blue etc. Cover & Contents page layouts   These are the templates i have created for both of my magazine covers so i can easier organise and arrange all of the elements i have aswell as making it easier when it comes to assembling these elements in my final version. And these are the templates for my contents pages that serve the same purpose as my cover templates, making it easier to assemble and give me an idea of what my cover will look like before it is finished. First Photoshoot These are some