Statement Of Intent

Monday 17th June 2024

Statement Of Intent

LO: To produce a concise and well structured statement outlining your chosen brief

I Intend to produce the front cover and contents page of the first two new editions of a metal music magazine that is launched by an independent publisher aswell as two functioning and thorough pages for a working website linked to my magazine. My magazine will follow and respect the values of my chosen independent publisher, Silverback Publishing. This means I will produce a high quality and effective magazine that maintains the pride SP has for its magazines, it also means I must maintain a high standard in order to match the passion, belief and value of print media SP has. My set target audience for my products are middle market 16–25-year-olds that like to be entertained. to achieve this as a target audience throughout my products I will utilise media language such as Lexis and Colour pallet in order to clearly establish a passionately positive opinion on Metal music as a genre aswell as distinctly target my audience of 16-25 year olds, this will be achieved through use of modern and new lexis that’s more commonly used by a younger audience aswell as a contrasting colour pallet that interests the audience aswell as accurately matching conventions of metal music, I will incorporate these typical stereotypes and conventions in my magazine to clearly define the genre and target a specific audience of people who enjoy metal music. This will be achieved through of Colour pallets of black paired with a contrasting colour such as red or yellow. Aswell as the use of aggressive/violent lexis that is common in Metal media. I will also make clear intertextual references to famous metal artists and typical tropes in Metal media to further define my Magazine, Overall, my magazine will correspond to fairly standard magazine layouts and designs. One of my main images will be an older man dressed in a black outfit that matches typical metal conventions looking very serious while holding a contrasting element such as cute animals, this is a common trope in Metal media and utilising it will further cement my brand’s identity and values, being passionate and accurately representing typical Metal media. For my website I also intend to create an interactive element when the user switches pages that requires them to do an action such as strumming a guitar or clicking a logo in order to access the next page that incorporates basic animation and audio to create a very interesting, original and unique website experience that heavily interests my target audience who will enjoy an entertaining and unique website element.

My website and magazine pages will closely match the theme and elements of my magazine in order to clearly display a connection between the two, utilizing either the same or very similar colour pallets, lexis, and other elements corresponding to the theoretical framework to clearly connect the 2 products. There will also be clear emphasis on ways to access the other product on each of my products such as a website link on my magazine and a store page for the magazines on my website. Aswell as the matching media language I will create a clear brand design shared by both my products, this may be an iconic logo or even an Easter egg to further establish a link between my products.

545 Words.


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