Initial Research

 LO: Investigates production companies and similar products

Most popular sub genres shown are usually rock, magazines usually reference at least one sub genre of their mainly represented genre. Most popular sub genre is usually most represented.

smaller magazinesWebsites are less polished, more information than needed, offer other services.

More popular and streamlined magazines such as Mojo contain less info and focus primarily on magazines and music, while having minor sections talking about things separate to magazines such as recommending music tech (Record Players, Speakers) etc.

Websites and magazines usually promote each other via barcodes, competitions via use of website and featuring alot of previous magazines on the website and teasing the latest one, inclining people to purchase the physical version, as-well as containing physical items in the magazine such as cd's to further tempt people to buy the physical copy.

Rock magazines have much more intense themes via images, expression, colour etc

slightly grungy, more simplistic and typical style.

Industry Analysis- Silverback Publishing

Established in 2013 to fulfill needs fro specialist hobby magazines, then branched out in 2016 into a larger market mainly consisting of sporting good publications. 

Take serious pride in the magazines they helped develop, believing that the magazines they helped produce are some of the most exciting, informative, and fantastically designed magazines around.

Believe heavily in the importance of print, that is is non distracting and directly engages a reader, but also understands the importance of digitalising their magazines for online consumption, collaborating with several online media platforms to help them achieve this effectively. 

The magazines they produce consist of specialist hobby titles such as gardening, sports etc but also has multiple music magazines and even some specialising in rock specifically such as Shindig! magazine and UK Rock & Roll Mag

Their website contains all related links to all of their produced magazines websites and even directly has shops for their magazines that offer a more direct and streamlined online service.

Not much of a direct social media presence, the only clear way of contact being through a linked email and phone number, likely due to being a smaller independant company and not needing a large social media presence.

There is minor presence on their produced rock music magazines, often referencing a link to their website and an email contact on a contacts section on their website, most of the websites focusing on advertising themself rather than their publishing company.


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